The word Jerusalem is only utilized in the commentary of the Holy Quran. There are other words used in reference just not the exact word "Jerusalem." Words such as Kingdom of Solomon, a town fallen upon it’s roof, their nation (after addressing the Jews), People of the Book, and Children of Israel or David.
Instead of directly acknowledging their wish to conquer Jerusalem, the Quran seeks to litigate the Prophet Mohammed’s spiritual and kingship line of succession over its control. Seemingly establishing the fact of his need to take full possession over the area and its inhabitants. Thus, addressing the issue from this viewpoint.
In the index for the Holy Quran the word Jerusalem has 5 citations which are only found being used in the commentary. Though the exact word Jerusalem is used more times in the commentary than the 5 listed notations in the index. After Chapter 38 there is no more reference to Israel in the verses or Jerusalem in the commentary. The subject becomes more about David and Solomon then maneuvering on to Christianity.
At one point the Quran mentions "the throwing of bodies on Solomon’s throne" instead of naming his sons Rehoboam and Jeroboam in the verse. Going on in the commentary to explain that the sons were weak rulers distracted by wealth and women. In so many words stating that no Israeli after Solomon can ever be worthy of ruling Solomon’s kingdom, let alone Jerusalem.
The Quran exonerates David and Solomon from the accusations laid out against them in the Torah and Bible. In Chapter 67 the dialogue uses phrases like "Whose hand is the Kingdom" as a description of Solomon’s domain. With all commentary focusing on the Christians as the owners of Solomon’s Kingdom.
The last sections of the Quran mainly deal with laws given by Mohammed as how to live. Along with the subject of the coming day of Judgement and Resurrection just like the Torah and Bible. It appears that there is no need to consider the Israelis or Jews from midway through the book till the end.
This can only mean that the subjugation of Israel, her people, and Jerusalem is going to happen in their eyes. The introduction of the Quran asserts the first revelations of Mohammed are at the end of the book. Inferring the acquisition of Jerusalem was conceived before their overt plan was laid out.
Which is clearly presented in Chapter 2 verse 140-43 in that Jerusalem is no longer the main spiritual center (Qiblah) of monotheism because Allah had forsaken them. Reasons are that the Jews believed their law was the only way to salvation for man. Christians believed in Jesus’s atonement.
This posed a problem, as both religions were the seed of Abraham through Isaac. Since the Prophet Mohammed’s lineage descended by way of Ishmael a new monotheist spiritual center was required. Especially when Mohammed seen how resistant the Jewish population was in Madinah. Until Mohammed fleed to Madinah he had always prayed towards Jerusalem as the main Qiblah of monotheism. In Madinah and continuing after that time, he changed to having the Qiblah in Makkah.
Makkah has been portrayed as the site of an altar consummated by Abraham and Ishmael. Thus, in the eyes of the Quran it could not be an idolatrous temple. Divine Revelation told Mohammed in Madinah to conquer Makkah first. Then, proceed on to Jerusalem as confirmed in a verse by saying, "the East and the West belongs to Allah."
Following the logic in the commentary of the Holy Quran that Jerusalem was designated for the Israelis. Makkah is the Qiblah for the whole purification of mankind augmenting this to having Islamic spiritual and kingship leaders to rule over all earth. Islam claims to embrace all the prophets from Abraham on down. Creating a unity out of the division and apostasy of the Jews and Christians.
Controversy over whether King Solomon’s Temple existed as described in a proclamation by the Egyptian Government sometime after 1998 relates to this topic in the Quran. The document states "Al Aqsa is directed towards Al Ka'aba, in Mecca, while the Temple was a rectangular building directed from west to east."
The rectangular issue is tedious. Another element of contention in this statement from the Egyptian Government is how it relates to another verse. Progressing into Chapter 2 verse 158 Abraham has a dialogue with "a race of sun worshipers." Commentary alludes that in this conversation, Abraham states that his God grants life and death.
Thus, interrupted as meaning the life and death of a nation. As God can give life after death such as the rebuilding of Jerusalem under a new obedient nation. Which would make the statement "the East and the West belongs to Allah" more relevant to ownership of Solomon’s Temple. Especially, in a time when some people could remember the temple or records of it still remained.
Yet, all of that is contrary to acquitting Solomon of all charges against him by the Jews and Christians. So, how could Solomon have built the temple wrong? Blaming the jinn and devils isn’t going to answer that question.
If some contend that Solomon’s Temple never existed. Then how can they say it faced west or east in the same breath? Chapter 7 verse 137 in the Quran characterizes the promise made to Abraham in Genesis 17:8 as the "good word." Encompassing the land east and west of the Jordan River.
Going back to Chapter 3:25 in the Quran, which forms the basis that Mary, Jesus’s mother, was from the family of Aaron. Putting Jesus in the prophethood lineage of Aaron. Chapter 7:148-151 vindicates Moses and Aaron of making any calf idols. Chapter 4:163-4 sets down the ancestors from Adam to Jesus. With Jesus having no heir then his prophethood is given to his brethren the Ishmaelites thru the Prophet Mohammed.
In Chapter 5:77 of the Quran, it states that the Israelis rejected Jesus waiving their right to Jerusalem. Then in Chapter 7:157-8 is the implication that in Matthew 15:24 of the New Testament, Jesus told a non-Israeli woman that he is only a prophet for the Israelis. Concluding all other prophets came only to their own people. The Holy Quran declares Mohammed was the first to come to all human races.
Contrary to popular belief including in the commentary of the Holy Quran verse 1 of Chapter 17 does not refer to a spiritual journey. Careful analysis of the text reveals a more hidden message. The passage "by night" means "in secret." "Sacred Mosque to Remote Mosque" signifies the angles underground network from Makkah to Jerusalem.
The verse goes on to state "whose precincts We blessed." "We" means the angles who instructed Mohammed for Allah. Guiding to a conclusion that Mohammed made a secret journey to Jerusalem. For the purpose as declared "We might show him our signs". Since "him’ is not capitalized it must of been to show the true believers that Jerusalem is no longer the Qiblah.
A hard argument to disagree with in face of verses 4-7 of Chapter 17 the angels declare they were the ones who sent the Babylonians to destroy Jerusalem. Just as they (the angles) anointed Jerusalem they ordered the destruction due to Israel’s defying Allah. Clearly expressed in that context in verse 7 as "We raised another people…that they may enter the Mosque as they entered it the first time". Referring to the first devastation of the temple.
Now that the Holy Quran believes they have won their case as to their authority to anoint the Prophet Mohammed over the entire world, seizure is the only action left. This is laid out in Chapter 48:19 where it pronounces "many gains which they will acquire." Interpreted to foreordain the submission of Makkah then the other countries in the East and the West.
Yes, the word Jerusalem is not in the Holy Quran. For Jerusalem is the key to the East and the West.
by Ravin Black
January 25, 2009
"A people without reliable news is, sooner or later, a people without thebasis of freedom." Harold J. Laski: A Grammar of Politics
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